Bullet Chart control and frozen rows and columns in Data Grid control.
Adds Bullet Chart control and support for frozen rows and columns in Data Grid control.
- New Bullet Chart control.
- Frozen rows and columns with row virtualization in Data Grid.
- Handwritten signature support in PDF Viewer.
- New Bullet Chart control.
- Frozen rows and columns with row virtualization in DataGrid.
- Zoom maps based on markers in the Maps control.
- New Bullet Chart control.
- Handwritten signature support in PDF Viewer.
- Autofill support in TreeGrid.
- New Bullet Chart control.
- Comment support in Word Processor.
- Frozen rows and columns with row virtualization in DataGrid.
- New Bullet Chart control.
- Frozen rows and columns with row virtualization in Data Grid.
- Zoom maps based on markers in the Maps component.
- New Bullet Chart control.
- Handwritten signature support in PDF Viewer.
- Autofill support in TreeGrid.
- New Bullet Chart control.
- Frozen rows and columns with row virtualization in DataGrid.
- Handwritten signature support in PDF Viewer.
- New Chat control.
- New DatePicker and TimePicker controls.
- Stacked line and 100% stacked line chart types in the Charts control.
- Stacked line and 100% stacked line chart types in the Charts control.
- Print support for PDF Viewer.
- Render polylines, polygons, and points over maps in the Maps control.
- Stacked line and 100% stacked line chart types in the Charts control.
- Print support for PDF Viewer.
- Render polylines, polygons, and points over maps in the Maps control.
- New Calendar control.
- Seven new chart types, including stacked charts, step area chart, and range area chart.
- Gradient support for scales, ranges, and pointers in the Radial Gauge component.
- Macro support in the Excel Library.
- Mathematical equation support in the Word Library.
- Save and load tabs and QAT commands in the Ribbon control.
- New Text Input Layout control.
- Display column summaries as titles in DataGrid.
- Create ZUGFeRD 2.0 PDF documents using PDF library.
- Stacked line and 100% stacked line chart types in the Charts control.
- Render polylines, polygons, and points over maps in the Maps control.
- Display column summaries as titles in DataGrid.