DevExpress WPF
Improves PDF Viewer, Charts and Grid controls.
DXGrid and DXTreeList for WPF
- Disabled rows look enabled after scrolling if the AllowCascadeUpdate option is enabled.
- GridCellAutomationPeer - GetValueCore/Column throws an ArgumentOutOfRangeException when a column becomes invisible.
- HighlightItemOnHover does not work in detail grids.
- It is not possible to process specific exceptions that occur during Paste operations in Data Grid.
- Paste operations behave incorrectly in Update mode when multiple values are pasted into NewItemRow and GroupRows.
- SelectedItems doesn't work on TableView when the RowDoubleClickCommand property is set.
All WPF products
- CachedReportSource - The Page summary on the last page is not correct (all data is summed).
- DocumentPreviewControl - ParameterPanel content does not fit custom template parameters with a stretched width.
- Exception is thrown when attempting to add a report using Template Gallery.
- Export to HTML - Transparency of background colors is ignored in exported documents.
- Nullable Guid properties lose their value after XtraReport deserialization.
- Report Designer - Binding Expressions may produce no value (the DisplayName issue).
- Microsoft Visual Studio Report Designer - Inherited Report option is not available in Report Wizard for Microsoft .NET Framework projects.
Assembly Deployment Tool
- DevExpress Assembly Deployment Tool - The "Analyze" button is disabled if the tool is started using VS 2022.
Data Access Library
- MongoDBDataSource - The SchemaDiscoveryMaxItemCount property is not serialized.
DXBars for WPF
- BarControlAutomationPeer throws an ArgumentNullException in certain scenarios.
DXCharts for WPF
- Chart Control for WPF - Performance is slow in the MVVM Financial Charting demo.
- Zooming - The Cursor doesn't change to the magnifying glass after the Shift key is pressed.
DXDiagram for WPF
- DiagramContainer incorrectly collapses subordinates when it has nested containers with items.
DXDocking for WPF
- A splitter is not displayed after DockLayoutManager with RedrawContentWhenResizing set to false and FloatingMode set to Desktop is hidden and shown again.
- DockLayoutManager with OwnsFloatWindows set to False displays dock hints for a panel and its parent even if they are shown on separate virtual desktops.
DXEditors for WPF
- DateEdit/TextEdit with a DateTime mask unexpectedly focuses the last focused date segment when you navigate to the editor via the keyboard.
- GridControl's in-line edit form produces a memory leak.
- The "'content' name cannot be found" exception occurs after a View with editors and error icons is unloaded/reloaded due to a switched user/RDP connection.
- Undeclared namespace errors occur when building the Office2013* and Office2016* themes using MSBuild.
DXGantt for WPF
- Task text overlaps the task in an exported document in certain cultures.
DXLayoutControl for WPF
- A GroupBox control placed in a LayoutControl displays its border lines incorrectly in certain cases.
- DXTabControl does not restore the tab order correctly when Visibility is set to Collapsed.
DXMap for WPF
- Map Editor - The map area is scrolled when vector items are created if the MapControl.EnableScrolling property is set to True.
DXPrinting for WPF
- DocumentPreviewControl - PageViewModelToPageMarginsVisibilityConverter throws NullReferenceException in RDP scenarios.
DXRichEdit for WPF
- RTL - Arabic text is incorrectly shifted in WPF RichEditControl.
- UI - Table styles with different border settings are incorrectly applied to a table.
DXScheduler for WPF
- SchedulerControl does not update the appearance of appointments when AppointmentLabelsSource is set.
- The DateHeaderStyle property is not working in TimelineView.
- TimelineViewLayoutPanel is not remeasured when the ResourceHeaderControl.ContentOrientation is changed.
DXSpreadsheet for WPF
- It is impossible to hide the Legend area in Treemap Charts.
MVVM Framework
- Injected View Models don't have a parent View Model after switching the Microsoft Windows user or reconnecting to a remote machine using RDP.
- MIF doesn't release ViewModels after reconnection to an RDP session.
Navigation Controls for WPF
- TreeViewControl - DataAreaBackground doesn't change the color of an empty area.
PDF Viewer for WPF
- Rendering - Very thin mask images disappear.
- Text Search - The PdfViewerControl.FindText method starts searching from the first page if called for the second time with different parameters and search direction.
- The annotation's Delete menu item is enabled when PdfViewerControl is displayed in read-only mode.
- The Modified column of the Navigation Pane's Attachment Viewer does not display a file attachment's modification date.
- Viewer - An exception is thrown if a launch action file name contains invalid characters.
- Project Converter does not check out files when it is called from Visual Studio 2022.
Themes and Theme Designer
- Applying an application theme with the Smart Tag doesn't work.
- Undeclared namespace errors occur when building the Office2013* and Office2016* themes using MSBuild.
Windows and Utility Controls for WPF
- BreadcrumbControl - NullReferenceException is thrown in an application started on a remote machine.
Windows Modern UI for WPF
- WinUIDialogWindow displays white text on a light background in the Office2019DarkGray theme.