Stepper component example
Adds full support for Angular 13 along with new Stepper component.
Added full support for Angular 13.
- Added IgxStepper component - A highly customizable component that visualizes content as a process and shows its progress by dividing the content into chronological steps. The API has been exposed to control features like step validation, styling, orientation and easy-to-use keyboard navigation.
- IgxFocusTrap directive - Added IgxFocusTrap directive which traps the Tab key focus within an element.
- Added IgxSimpleComboComponent - A modification of the igx-combo component that allows single selection and has the appropriate UI and behavior. It inherits most of the igx-combo's API.
- Allows the selection of single items in a filterable list.
- Supports custom values, keyboard navigation, validation and customized positioning of the item list via overlay settings.
- IgxCsvExporterService and IgxExcelExporterService - Exporter services are no longer required to be provided in the application since they are now injected on a root level.
- IgxGridToolbarPinningComponent and IgxGridToolbarHidingComponent - Exposed new input buttonText which sets the text that is displayed inside the dropdown button in the toolbar.
- IgxCombo - Added groupSortingDirection input which allows you to set groups sorting order.
- IgxGrid, IgxTreeGrid and IgxHierarchicalGrid - Added new directives for re-templating header sorting indicators: IgxSortHeaderIconDirective, IgxSortAscendingHeaderIconDirective and IgxSortDescendingHeaderIconDirective.
- IgxGrid - Exposed a groupStrategy input that functions similarly to sortStrategy, allowing customization of the grouping behavior of the grid.
- IgxDialog - Added focusTrap input to set whether the Tab key focus is trapped within the dialog when opened. Defaults to true.