Adds modularization for React, Angular and Vue.
- Added TypeScript definition files for Handsontable's modularized version.
- Vue: Added support for modularization to the Vue wrapper.
- React: Added support for modularization to the React wrapper.
- Angular: Added support for modularization to the Angular wrapper.
- Added a new package entry point that allows importing built-in modules in one function call.
- Added a new locale option to properly handle locale-based data.
- Added a GitHub Actions workflow that covers testing Handsontable and the wrappers.
- Added new direction helpers (internal API) that lay ground for future RTL support.
- Changed how the populateFromArray() method works with its method argument set to shift_down or shift_right.
- Moved the entire Handsontable package to its own, new subdirectory: ./handsontable.
- Replaced the license files with updated versions.