Syncfusion Essential Studio Enterprise
Packed with new controls and features for JavaScript, Blazor, WinUI and more.
- Added new Breadcrumb and Icon components.
- Added new Bootstrap 5 theme.
- Added a responsive layout for mobile devices in DataGrid.
- Added new Breadcrumb component.
- Added new Bootstrap 5 theme.
- Added Enter key tag in Rich Text Editor.
- Added new Breadcrumb component.
- Added new Bootstrap 5 theme.
- Spreadsheet now supports autofill.
- Added new Breadcrumb component.
- Added new Bootstrap 5 theme.
- Added GraphQL support in Data Manager.
- Added spell check and text prediction in Masked Entry.
- Added the ability to customize all the properties of each ink stroke in PDF Viewer.
- Added word wrap in Rich Text Editor.
- Added the ability to export Microsoft Excel and PDF in DataGrid.
- Added the ability to adjust appointments interactively by drag and drop or through resize operations.
- Added new error bar chart type.
- Added design-time data binding in TreeViewAdv.
- Added the ability to draw Arabic text with advanced typography glyphs to improve its shape.
- Added the ability to preserve comments when converting a Microsoft Word document to PDF or image formats.
- Added support for multiple calendar types such as Gregorian, Korean, Hebrew and more in Scheduler.
- Added the ability to lock annotations and specify the paper source in PDF Viewer.
- Added comprehensive undo and redo features in Diagrams.
- Added new ComboBox and Segmented Control.
- Added new date-time and numeric columns in DataGrid and TreeGrid.
- Added support for multiple calendar types such as Gregorian, Korean, Hebrew and more in Scheduler.
- Added the ability to draw Arabic text with advanced typography glyphs to improve its shape.
- Added the ability to rotate form fields in PDFs.