Aspose.Cells for Java
Adds the ability to export a range as HTML.
- Added the ability to export a range as HTML.
- Data bars are missing when XLSX is converted to HTML.
- Value still exists when XLSX is converted to HTML file format.
- LightCells API fails to load a huge file.
- Text formatting is missing in HTML output of MS Excel range.
- Icon Sets become misaligned when XLSX is converted to HTML.
- Exporting named range data is not correctly rendered to HTML.
- An issue found in Named Range.
- Validation always returns true for 'getInCellDropDown()' method.
- Wrong culture custom format gets returned for different locales.
- Excel To PDF conversion - Gauge chart rendering issue.
- PDF rendition throws OutOfMemoryError exception.
- CellsException while converting files.
- Exception "NullPointerException" when instantiating the XLSX file(s).
- NumberFormatException while processing files.
- NullPointerException when loading a CSV.
- Exception "com.aspose.cells.CellsException" when rendering an Excel file to PDF file format.
- "IllegalStateException: Invalid encoding: null" when instantiating an XLS file format.