Aspose.Cells for .NET
Optimizes memory performance, plus controls the loading of VBA data using filter options.
- Tab name now available when single sheet workbook is converted to HTML.
- Control the loading of VBA data using LoadDataFilterOptions.
- Optimized memory performance: release original stream after loading Workbook.
- Tracked Changes lost during conversion from XLSB to XLSM and XLS to XLSM.
- Text moved after ungrouping a shape when saving an XLS to XLSX.
- Gridlines not displayed in some sheets while converting XLSX to HTML to XLSX.
- Formattings lost in HTML to XLS rendering.
- MHT to XLSX conversion - cell content problem.
- MS Excel prompts an error when opening the output file.
- Non-English locale formula not working.
- Deleting a row with an index and reading the row with the same index returns Cell.ValuType: IsNull.
- Unable to open password protected ODS document.
- Bottom text under the bar code is missing in MS Excel to PDF rendering.
- The image is missing after rendition to TIFF output.
- Images are not rendered properly when converted from Excel to PDF.
- Extra text appears in the image rendered from MS Excel chart.
- Rendered image from MS Excel chart has more axis units than the original chart.
- Issue when rendering the template file (containing the chart) to PDF file format.
- Legend order rendered differently from Excel chart.
- Can't set color marker LineWithDataMarkers in XLS file format.
- Text is displaced when SmartArt charts are rendered as HTML.
- Text repeated while replacing tag with text.
- Error after converting document with Custom UI xml from XLSB to XLSM.
- Issues found while converting chart to image.
- Exception raised while converting XLS to PDF.
- PivotTable.GetChildren() raises exception "Invalid Cell Name".
- Exception "NullReferenceException" when loading an XLSB file format.
- ArgumentException on loading workbook.
- Exception while accessing TextBox.HtmlText from the XLS.