DevExpress VCL Subscription
Improves PDFViewer, Tile Control and Editors controls.
ExpressBars Suite
- Ribbon - Microsoft Office 2019 style - An AV occurs when applying fonts to UI elements in certain cases.
- Ribbon - Tab Area Search Toolbar - The toolbar produces memory leaks when invoked as a pop-up menu.
- TdxBarCustomPopupMenu descendants - The "TdxBarAccessibilityHelper.GetDefaultAccessibilityObject fails" exception occurs when a user presses the Alt key while a TdxBarWindowItem object has focus in a bar's pop-up menu.
- A filter item bound to an FMTBcd field dismisses the field's numeric type information when assigned to a data controller's criteria from a filter control.
ExpressEditors Library
- cxTreeList and cxVerticalGrid - It is impossible to invoke an in-place cell editor in a container control after it is scrolled by a touch gesture.
- dxTokenEdit - A click outside an active in-place editor invoked for an existing token does not close the editor.
- dxTokenEdit - The HasPopupWindow function returns True instead of False after a drop-down list of suggested tokens is closed by a click within the editor.
- In-place editors paint their drop-down window with a disparate background color if certain skins are applied.
- TcxContainer descendants - A skinned container control ignores an editor's Style.Color, Style.BorderColor, and Style.TextColor property values when painting the editor's hot-tracked and focused states.
- TdxCustomGalleryControl descendants - The control does not gray out its content if the Enabled property is set to False.
- TdxOpenFileDialog and TdxSaveFileDialog - The FileName property returns a name of the selected file with an extra filename extension if the active filter contains the same extension in a different case.
- TdxSaveFileDialog and TdxOpenFileDialog - Confirmation messages invoked by the ofNoReadOnlyReturn, ofCreatePrompt, and ofOverwritePrompt flags display a formatting pattern instead of the target file name in certain locales.
- Document navigation works incorrectly in certain cases due to an incorrectly calculated zoom factor if the OptionsZoom.ZoomMode property is set to pzmPageWidth.
- It is impossible to select text that uses the Type 0 font that does not have information about Unicode encoding.
ExpressPivotGrid Suite
- TcxPivotGridChartConnection - The "List index out of bounds" exception is thrown when two grand total types are selected and the SourceData property is set to sdSelected.
ExpressPrinting System
- Scheduler Report Link - Daily Style - An event does not wrap its subject if the event has a message.
ExpressQuantumGrid Suite
- All Views, except for Chart Views - Record navigation does not change a View's Controller.FocusedRecord property value if the View is locked for updates using its BeginUpdate/EndUpdate method block.
- Scrollbar elements are drawn in black if a skin is active and the clDefault color is assigned to the skin's corresponding elements in the Skin Editor.
ExpressSkins Library
- Basic skin - A TdxBarSeparator component displays a portion of a previously hot-tracked menu item when the mouse pointer hovers over the component.
- Scrollbar elements are drawn in black if a skin is active and the clDefault color is assigned to the skin's corresponding elements in the Skin Editor.
- TdxSkinController inherits the default SkinPaletteName and ShowFormShadow property values from the most recently opened project.
- The Unhide command available in a column or row context menu takes much time to complete when applied to all hidden columns or rows in a non-empty document.
ExpressTile Control
- TdxTileBar - The RestoreFrom~ methods do not create tile elements if True is passed as the AChildrenCreating parameter.