Infragistics Ultimate UI for WPF
Improves ThemeManager, ComboEditor and DataGrid.
- DataPresenter:
- Modified CellVPBorderActiveBrush in MetroDark.
- Modified the CellValuePresenter padding in MetroLight&Dark and Office2013.
- Editors:
- Modified spinButtonStyle (Metro themes).
- Added label and textbox styles and modified all existing textbox styles to override CoreImplicit styles.
- Changes in XamMaskedEditor triggers.
- ComboEditor and MaskedEditor:
- Padding and margin changes.
- Added new MultiTrigger in XamComboEditor.
- Removed setters in XamDateTimeEditorBaseStyle.
- Bullet Graph/Linear Gauge are not formatting labels correctly.
- XamComboEditor not closing dropdown when in xamtilemanager.
- Axis annotation remains displayed after value overlay's value is set to double.NaN.
- A scenario where an axis annotation associated with the value overlay could be orphaned was fixed.
- Saving milliseconds is inconsistent when calling SaveCustomizations on the data grid.
- Grid is reporting misplaced pinned row separator when column summaries are removed (top row summary removed not pinned row separator).
- Merged Cells in XamDataGrid do not work with grouped Fields.
- Can't bind AllowResize of XamDiagram. AllowResize is DependencyProperty.
- System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception is thrown when a floating window is dragged over docking indicators if multiple monitors with different DPI scales are used.
- Docking indicators do not appear on the correct location if multiple monitors with different DPI scales are used.
Microsoft Excel
- A complex formula using SUMIF with INDEX sometimes does not work.
- System.ArgumentException is thrown when a file is loaded.
- Japanese characters which are automatically committed by IME are not displayed when some other Japanese characters are continuously committed.
- FormatException is thrown in the Microsoft Visual Studio designer if the target platform is x64.
- An inner exception FormatException is thrown if its ValueType is of integer, if its value is negative and if a negative sign customized in the regional settings in Microsoft Windows.
- After expanding a few hierarchies, PivotCellControls lose their tooltips.
- ArgumentOutOfRangeException when loading a RFT file.
- Memory is not released when the control is unloaded if Office2013 theme is used.
- Argument exception on loading workbook with charts into spreadsheet.
- Dragging a tab resets its selection if XamControls.ItemsSource is bound.
- Cell texts are not fully displayed in edit mode when Metro, MetroDark, Office2010Blue and Office2013 are applied.
- Made several fixes in the editors to fix text cropping when editors embedded in DataPresenter.
- Editors express changes:
- XamTextEditor padding and margin fixes.