Maintenance release includes over 50 enhancements.
- New API member allowRotate is provided for shape rotation.
- New API member showHandle is provided to hide shape outline and handles.
- Unsupported charts can be preserved when imported from other file formats.
- Supports sorting with grouped data.
- Displays a warning dialog when data is copied in a non-continued cell range.
- Chart is updated when values in named range countif are updated.
- Supports sorting by skipping data in hidden rows.
- The maximum and minimum zoom limit can be set.
- Zoomed picture can be exported to Microsoft Excel correctly.
- Customizable scrollbar is now supported.
- The isUndo property is now supported in the RangeChanged event.
- The dirty state of a cell is removed if its value is changed back to the initial value.
- Same date format is accepted for date formatted cells on subsequent edits.
- Data labels are correctly imported in Clustered Column and XY (Scattered) charts.
- JSZip library is upgraded to 3.3.0.
- Word-wrap of rich text is supported while importing ssjson file.
- Formula is adjusted correctly when columnHeadersAsFrozenRows is set to true.
- The Micrsoft Excel file can be imported and then renamed correctly.
- If a table row is added and then undo event is performed, the deleteItems property returns deleted row's information.
- Content is consistent when ssjson file is imported and exported to Microsoft Excel when the column width is set to null.
- The Median formula returns correct value if first cell in the range is cleared by using delete key.
- Spread Web designer shows new icons for Menu bar.
- Range of filter is updated correctly when copied column is inserted.
- The tooltip appears correctly when hovered on cell containing long text.
- Horizontal Axis labels are shown properly when imported to SJS.
- If a column with filter is deleted, it can be exported to Microsoft Excel.
- Hyper Link Cell Type's auto fit height considers padding.
- When a Microsoft Excel file is imported, chart content is displayed completely.
- Chart is rendered correctly after importing the Microsoft Excel file in SpreadJS.
- The mouse click area of hyperlink is the same as actual display content.
- In Mozilla Firefox, if more than one word is entered in cell editor, additional line break "\n" is not added.
- TextBox is imported correctly from Microsoft Excel.
- For tables, while setting formula with relative references using setColumnDataFormula, the header rows are not considered while updating relative references.
- Formula textbox synchronizes information in cells.
- The table is imported correctly in SpreadJS.
- Custom formatting for dates yields same dates without depending on how they are entered.
- Percentage formatter cell behaves correctly when formulas are disabled.
- Hyperlinks can be exported correctly from Microsoft Excel to SpreadJS.
- For Korean language, the line break works properly when characters are being composed.
- A form can be exported correctly.
- SpreadJS SWITCH formula generates same calculation result as Microsoft Excel.
- Watermark can fill the entire print area width.
- ToolTip is displayed correctly even when there are frozen columns.
- Unexpected data verification does not happen after DataSource and table resize is set.
- Hyperlink Styles are given priority.
- Top of header editor is displayed on high dpi screen.
- The filter menu works correctly when row filter is applied and filter button is clicked.
- Context menu displays correctly on different screen resolutions.
- TextBox size is correct in the exported Microsoft Excel file.
- The autoFitRow calculation is correct even when there is a filter box at the column header.
- When SpreadJS is used in Vue and router-view is set in keep-alive, spreadsheet is initialized only once.
- There is no content error when row is inserted in table.
- Table's dirty information can be cleared.
- The result of ROUND formula in SpreadJS is same as Microsoft Excel.
- Cell format items can be set in SpreadJS designer on high dpi display.