Parse and evaluate formulaic expressions using CalcEngine for .NET.
- New FilterEditor component shares the DataFilter Engine and enables end-users to easily build category-based and/or filter expressions. The control can be bound to a data source and it will automatically provide visual options to create expressions based on available fields. Complex expressions can be created using a combination of AND\OR operators and a set of available filters.
- Parse and evaluate expressions like Microsoft Excel with CalcEngine for .NET Standard.
- Calculate the sales projections or do calculations to find patterns in data.
- Load data from Microsoft Excel into a datagrid and show computed values in cells.
- Evaluate algebraic expressions, mathematical functions, and formulas using variables.
- Perform CrossSheet reference and computation.
- FlexGrid Enhancements:
- Improved Error Validation: The validation feature of FlexGrid has become more powerful with enhanced support for DataAnnotations like Required, StringLength, Range, Compare.
- Incrementally Load Data using Data Virtualization: Useful when working with a large amount of data or data over a network.
- New and improved charts with FlexChart: You can now use FlexCharts inside FlexPivot for visual data analysis using the new FlexPivotChart control.
- Improved data analysis with TopN and BottomN filters: The TopN filter enables users to find leading and lagging elements from data.