Telerik DevCraft Ultimate
Test Studio Dev Edition includes new Translator optimization option for faster Recording experience.
Updates in Test Studio Dev Edition R3 2019 SP2:
- New
- Support for the official Microsoft Edge Chromium browser. Note that once you have the new Microsoft Edge Chromium, you will not be able to automate the old deprecated Microsoft Edge.
- Translator optimization option for faster Recording experience.
- Project Settings - added group select/deselect of translators.
- Аbility to change console session resolution of Test Studio Test Runner.
- New ScrollToVisible to window center option introduced for action steps.
- Changed
- Microsoft Edge Chromium Beta is no longer supported. Please install the official stable release of Microsoft Edge Chromium.
- Test Studio UI: Project settings UI changes in options between groups.
- Recording: Auto switch off translators groups if the technology is not used in the loaded page.
Fixes in Test Studio Dev Edition R3 2019 SP2:
- Browser Calibration: Add calibration option for Internet Explorer to not show "protected mode is turned off" message.
- Data Binding: Validation for local data column name cannot start with '('.
- Data Binding: Data binding supports columns with special symbols.
- Data Binding: removing Data Bind not properly resetting test's properties.
- Element Find Logic: Fixed wrongly formated js string in GetElementByIdClientSideLocator.
- Element validation: Highlight element when Validate from elements explorer not working.
- Execution: IE will throw exceptions when scrolling with highlighting enabled.
- Recording: Firefox recorder scrolls page vertically to middle of page when loading.
- Recording: Improve the stability and optimize recording performance in Chrome, Firefox and Edge Chromium browsers.
- Recording: IE performance problems when recording and highlighting is enabled on some pages.
- Stability fixes: Crash if you attempt to add TextContent node as shown in the recording DOM as element.
- Stability fixes: Crash when you add step in specific case.
- Stability fixes: Crash trying to validate from browser element image for element without image.
- Stability fixes: Occasional crashes when launching new JS browers.
- Test Studio log: removed CodeService nulrreference exception when opening project without code language defined.
- Translators: Descriptors from same Blazor translator generate same elements.
- VS Plugin: VS 2017/2019 not loading Test Studio plug-ins in some cases.
- VS Plugin: Edge Chromium execution crashes VS.